Showing posts with label LRRW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LRRW. Show all posts

Young Enterprise Company donate to Star for Life

>> Thursday, November 19, 2009

A belated ‘thank you’ to Young Enterprise company LRRW (Life, Responsibility, Reality, the World) who donated half their profit to Star for Life. During their last year at school the girls, all from Höganäsgymnasiet, ran a company producing and selling T-shirts and bags in an eye-catching design. All four knew that they wanted to donate some of the money to a good cause and after lots of consideration they decided on Star for Life.

‘We heard about Star for Life from some friends and then, when we started reading about the work they do, we knew that this was what we wanted to donate our money to,’ they told Partner Schools Coordinator Lois Petersson when she visited the school to award them with a certificate for their efforts.

This sort of generosity is what helps us to make a difference for young people in southern Africa. Thanks again girls and best of luck in the future!


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